Thank you.
After helping businesses get online for the last 17 years, we have chosen to merge with Crucial to provide a higher quality of service.
A message from Nigel Burke, founder of AVS Networks:
AVS Networks has been a fantastic experience for me. For nearly two decades I have dedicated my life to growing AVS, helping Australian businesses get online and connect with thousands of customers.
Recently, Australian hosting provider Crucial showed interest in acquiring AVS Networks. Their interest in AVS Networks was validation for what AVS has achieved thanks to your support, and is something we can be proud about. After discussions in late 2014 and early 2015, the decision was made to accept the offer.
As part of the acquisition, all customers will be moved to Crucial’s state-of-the-art infrastructure, hosted in Sydney. It’s with great pleasure that I can announce that I'll also be joining the team at Crucial and will continue to serve you under the Crucial brand.
I'm extremely happy about where we’ve taken AVS Networks and the milestones made along the way. I’m excited to continue working with you and trust everyone will enjoy the improved service levels with Crucial as we continue to provide for all of your hosting needs.
All AVS Networks customers will receive emails regarding the changes and improvements being made to their services.
To learn more about Crucial, please visit www.crucial.com.au.